

Pimiko Du Croate


Pimiko Du Croate is a thoroughbred horse born in France in 2003. Race horse Pimiko Du Croate is by Akbar (FR) out of Ch'tana (FR) , trained by Mlle A Imaz Ceca. Pimiko Du Croate form is available here. Owned by MME ELIANE DAVY-BOUDET.


Sire Akbar (FR) 1990
Dam Ch'tana (FR)1979 [By Goumri (FR) 1971]

About the horse

Foal Date 02 Mar 2003
Description 22yo GR Mare
Trainer Mlle A Imaz Ceca
Owner Mme Eliane Davy Boudet
PM France : EUR €3,300
Total PM AUD $5,380
Career No Wins (0%) - 2 Placings (50%) - 4 starts
Name ELAN DU CROATE (2014)
WPS 0-0-1
Wet WPS 0-0-0
Distances 1400m
Win Distances -
Total Prize (AUD $) $0
Group WPS Wet WPS Distances Win Distances Total Prize (AUD)
Non Black Type 0w-0p-1s - 1400m - $0